
the Schmugglersnest

plates and glasses
Apartment renovated in 2021

About the Schmugglernest

The apartment is designed for up to 5 people. 

The 60m² large Schmug­glernest is locat­ed on the upper floor with a sep­a­rate entrance, a cozy liv­ing room with a couch and din­ing table as well as 48″ satel­lite TV and inter­net radio.

The kitchen is equipped with an oven, dish­wash­er , cof­fee mak­er, ket­tle and toaster.

For sleep­ing there is a bed­room with a dou­ble bed (200x180 cm) and a bed­room with two or three beds or a dou­ble bed.

A children’s cot (120x60 cm) can be provided.

The bath­room has a bath, show­er, toi­let and uri­nal. A hair dry­er is also available.

Free wire­less inter­net access avail­able. Almost the entire gar­den area can be shared. Park­ing space on the property.

Non smok­ing apart­ment. No pets.

We want you to feel comfortable

Some specifics

Free wifi

Free Wifi can be received every­where in the apartment.

Pool shared

In sum­mer there is a small pool for refresh­ment after a nice trip

Children are welcome

Tram­po­line, sand­box, table ten­nis, mud pit in the small for­est and ped­al vehicles.

gas grill

There is a 4 flame gas grill with an addi­tion­al 800 degree zone and a sep­a­rate hob.

garden and terrace

Almost the entire gar­den area can be used. 

fire bowl

A fire bowl is avail­able on the terrace.

It’s going to be cozy

Discover the apartment

The smuggler’s nest is locat­ed on the out­skirts of Mützenich direct­ly on the RaV­el cycle path (for­mer­ly the Vennbahn route).

On the trail of nature

Discover the garden

The 1700 m² gar­den offers many cor­ners to be dis­cov­ered: a small for­est, a ham­mock, a tree house, a tram­po­line, swings and much more.

she is beautiful

Discover the surroundings

Did you know that Mützenich is an enclave? The place is sur­round­ed by Bel­gian ter­ri­to­ry. Do you want to know more? We are hap­py to answer ques­tions on site.

Would you like to spend your vacation here?

Something is definitely still available!

Thanks very much!

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