
See if anything’s free
Not binding

Note on booking: 

The book­ing is com­plete­ly non-bind­ing. Upon receipt, we will check the book­ing and send you an offer.
The book­ing is only bind­ing if a deposit of 20% is paid after 10 days . You can cal­cu­late the amount of the offer your­self here in advance.

Arrival and departure times:

The apart­ment is avail­able from 4 p.m. on the day of arrival and until 11 a.m. on the day of depar­ture. Just talk to us about whether the apart­ment might be avail­able longer or earlier.


Chil­dren (up to and includ­ing 10 years)

Contact details


Ket­tle and teapot are always available

Cot 120x60cm in bed­room 1
(Im Schlafz­im­mer 1 befind­et sich bere­its ein Doppelbett)

We would like to know a little bit more about our guests

The infor­ma­tion is of course voluntary

How did you find us?
terms and con­di­tions*
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