The environment

The Monschauer Land with the High Fens

The surroundings are beautiful

Cycling, hiking or excursions. 

The beau­ti­ful old town of Mon­schau with the cas­tle, his­toric mus­tard mill, cof­fee roast­ery, glass­works and the red house can be reached on foot in just half an hour. 

The apart­ment is locat­ed between the Hohe Venn — Norde­ifel Nature Park and the Eifel Nation­al Park . In both parks you can explore nature on your own on count­less hik­ing trails. There are also numer­ous guid­ed hikes on offer. 

The Eifel Steig hik­ing trail runs 850 m past the smuggler’s nest and the entrance to the Vennbahn cycle path is only 350 m away and is part of the RAV­eL path net­work .

The for­mer NS Ordens­burg Vogel­sang can be reached by car in 30 minutes.

The cities of Aachen , Eupen , Liège , Malm­e­dy , Heerlen and Maas­tricht are with­in easy reach in the bor­der tri­an­gle of Ger­many, Bel­gium and the Netherlands.

In about 20 min­utes by car you can reach the Rursee. Locat­ed in the mid­dle of the Eifel hills, the Rursee offers you numer­ous recre­ation­al oppor­tu­ni­ties, such as the Rursee boat trip, the bathing lake in Rurberg and the nat­ur­al and adven­ture pool in Einruhr.

The ” Eifelk­linik St. Briga­da ” hos­pi­tal is only 7.2 km away in Simmerath


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