your hosts

Theissen family

your hosts
Theissen family

Dagmar & Bernd with our two boys

We look forward to your visit

Even as a small boy, I grew up with hol­i­day guests and I am there­fore hap­py that my boys can also expe­ri­ence it.

That’s why we decid­ed to become hosts and lov­ing­ly expand­ed the apart­ment our­selves dur­ing Coro­na. Our focus was on the use of breath­able paints and plas­ters, the use of sol­id wood­en fur­ni­ture and aller­gy-friend­ly floor­ing. Atten­tion was also paid to the reuse of mate­ri­als. The shelf in the bath­room was once a sol­id wood bed.

My first ques­tion was always: “Do the guests have children?”

Our boys are11 and13 years, we are ourselves48 and54 Year old. We love camp­ing, sports and music. I play foot­ball with the “old” men from TuS Mützenich. Dag­mar plays flugel­horn at BMV Strauch. If time per­mits, we like to run a lap through the for­est or the High Fens together.

Dagmar & Bernd

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